The Deacons support the work of the Pastors so they can devote themselves to the Biblical Model of Prayer and Ministry of the Word (Acts 6:3). The Deacons are spiritual servants, who serve and lead the congregation by example. They protect and promote unity in the church family. Their service to the church includes Crisis Ministry, Hospital Ministry, Bereavement Ministry, Decision Counseling, Prayer Ministry, Serving the Ordinances of the Church, Outreach and Evangelism Ministry,Widows/Widowers and Shut-In Ministry and Benevolence Ministry.
Todd Morgan
Lead Deacon
Todd serves as a Bible Fellowship Teacher and a Moldova Mission Team Leader, as well as Pastoral Personnel Ministry. His wife is Kim.
Terry Vaughan
Terry serves the church in the Children’s New Christian Class. His wife of 54 years, Darlene is now with the Lord.
Mike Martin
Mike has served the church on the Vision Task Force Ministry and other capacities through the years. His wife is Vicky.
Kennon Chambers
Kennon serves in Bible Fellowship and Men’s Ministry. His wife is Meredith.
Justin Thaxton
Justin serves as a Bible Fellowship Teacher and in other capacities teaching. His wife is Valerie.
Frank Volk
Frank serves in a variety of capacities in the church. His wife is Angie.
Lacy Reed
Lacy serves as a Bible Fellowship teacher and is on the Pastoral Personnel Ministry Team. His wife is Hannah.
Bruce Knell
Bruce serves as Bible Fellowship teacher. His wife is Candy.
Tony Atkins
Tony serves on Pastoral Personnel Ministry, and has served in other capacities in the church. His wife is Alice.
Charlie Nichols
Charlie serves as a Bible Fellowship teacher, in Men’s Ministry and is active in our Building and Grounds ministry. His wife is Karen.