Adult Ministry

Consider getting involved in one of these ministries. Click here to contact the church office for more details. 

Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry usually meets on a monthly basis for a Saturday morning Prayer Breakfast & Fellowship. The men often assist in work projects around the church, and also take part in other events and outings. There are opportunities for Men’s Bible Fellowship Small Groups and Discipleship.

Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry meets periodically for fellowship and spiritual growth. Additionally there are special events and outings. There are opportunities for Women’s Bible Fellowship, Small Groups and Discipleship.

Young at Heart

Senior Adult Ministry usually meets on a monthly basis for a meal and fellowship. They also take part in various events and outings.

Welcome Ministry

Our Welcome Ministry team tries to make sure we have a welcoming environment for everyone who attends CLBC. We want to ensure that everyone who comes to CLBC feels welcome and has a positive experience as they worship here are CLBC.


The Fellowship Ministry serves to provide opportunities for the church to gather and grow together. There are several primary fellowships coordinated each year as well as seasonal ones.


This is the dedicated outreach effort of the church. We reach out into our community with the Gospel, and connect with people to invite them to come to know Jesus and be a part of God’s family. 

Audio & Video Ministry

We depend on the folks who take care of audio and video for each service. We have a dedicated group of men and women who do many things to help enhance the worship experience. If you have a desire to help serve in this capacity please join us.

Parking & Security Ministry

Both Parking and Security are imperative for the safety of all who attend. We want to ensure that our parking lot is safe as people are coming and going. Our entry doors are locked so we can be sure we know who enters and why. We have someone stationed at our entry points each service.